The Mighty Minions of Mire
Review of Web Sites
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![]() Incredibly awesome renderings by one of the true Twisted Geniuses of the fetish! I just can't get over how incredibly good his work is, and how it compares so favorably in sheer erotic power with many of the photographs of live models. He's focusing his energy on his Yahoo! Group now, so check out the Groups links and give it a visit. I just hope he leaves some sort of Web site up for those of us who belong to entirely too many Internet message boards and enjoy the simple pleasures of browsing the Web. —Yen |
![]() of Duncan Edwards The Ansel Adams of quicksand. Give this guy a Nikon, a beautiful woman and something gooshy to sink into, and he goes NUTS. If you've been hanging around Mud Puddle Visuals much, you've seen plenty of his still photography. Happily, he's got his own little corner of the Web now and he's putting it to great use. Eight lovely women featured in various areas of his site, and he adds new stuff with regularity. Another Cold Shower site if I ever saw one! —Yen |
![]() This is a Web site that's more or less in limbo, as Pippa has a new, non-quicksand-related site. However, while it's still available, check out this one for amazing pics of a buxom Brit lass up to her pretty bits in AWESOME-LOOKING tidal quicksand! Gosh, they make the stuff thick and gooey over there! Pippa, we LOVE YOU. COME BACK to the quagmire! Perhaps if we besiege her with adoring email... By the way, I think most of the pics were shot by fellow countryman and WAM Hero Mirador, who gets kudos for very fine work and had his own very good site at one time (not that he has the curvature of Pippa...we're talking about talent level here). —Yen |
![]() Proving once again that those Canadians don't have to play second fiddle to anyone, Boggy Man goes whole hog to show you just how great that Northern Muck can be. I swear, he's got pics of some the most awesome bogs you're ever seen, and if you can successfully download some of his vid clips, a couple are actually quite spooky! This is one that the ladies might enjoy, as most sites are male-oriented with nary a man in sight. Not here. Equal access for the ladies. Also, check out his bog location maps. This is True Dedication! Kinda gets you all choked up, don't it? —Yen |
![]() Another Monster of the Quicksand Art world, Pete Boggs' site has undergone significant changes over the years, starting out with his 'toons of Jungle Janet (extremely quicksand-related) and morphing into a new site featuring Barbi the Barbarian (less quicksand-specific, but still a kick in the pants). Plus, Kaol's site and Mud Puddle Visuals still feature some of his older material featuring humongously-endowed women caught in nefarious quagmires. I'm not sure if this is a back-handed compliment or not, but I've not seen too many other Toonists who can render a mammary gland with such loving care. Yes, another Cold Shower site, especially if you come across some of his classic topless-women-in-quicksand-related stuff. —Yen |