The Mighty Minions of Mire
Review of Web Communities

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Let the Quicksand Have Her
The moderator is listed as That_Sinking_Feeling, but I can't recall if I know her by any other Internet handles.  It's self-described as "Let The Quicksand Have her — The dark side of Quicksand." And you didn't even realize quicksand had a light side! WARNING: Full of porn spam and links in the Messages and Files area. I'll let YOU decide if that's a good or a bad thing. No pics in the Photos area, but the Files area has several quicksand-related vid clips.

Pamela Rose's World
Pamela and Robert will be familiar to those of you who hang around Mud Puddle Visuals or Duncan Edwards' Web sites. Here in her Yahoo! Group, we get to know her a little better, with plenty of photos and regular postings from members. Well worth a visit!

Kaol's Quicksand Drama Page
"A page featuring images from movies, TV, and fan fiction and art featuring folks in quicksand or dealing with other cliche'd melodramatic cliffhanger style perils." If I remember correctly, this Yahoo! Group is for strictly G or PG-Rated material. As you can expect from anything with Kaol's name on it, there's a decent amount of content, although not as much as on his other Groups. Stay a day or a lifetime...

Quicksand and Mud
"This club is for those interested in quicksand or mud.  It's especially for those of us who have two main interests: Seeing women wearing boots in mud or quicksand and seeing women struggling in mud or quicksand." I can't recall who moderates here. Plenty of stuff in the Files and Photos areas. Explore to your heart's content.

Quicksand and 
Mud Expeditions
Duncan Wallace's Yahoo! Group for those who like to get out and find the gooshy places for themselves, rather than stare at pics of other peoples' gooshy places. Seems to be a fairly active group, with plenty of posts from members. A couple of vid clips from Boggy Man in the Files area (at least they're doozies), and several folder with pics of DW's various expeditions in the Photos area (amusing photo there of his videographer chowing down in the car...NEVER let your videographer eat until AFTER work). An interesting place for those who insist on the Total Hands-On Experience.