The Mighty Minions of Mire
Review of Web Communities

This list of online message boards and communities is just a start. I belong to several Yahoo! groups, so that's what you'll find here at first. I don't belong to any groups on MSN or other community host, so if you do, please email me a link and I'll check it out.

James diGriz's companion to his Web site, this Yahoo! Group has altered pics, stories, vid clips and MORE! The boss's own description of the Group: "Greetings fellow villians and damsels. Here you can post anything relating to women in peril of drowning in quicksand. Will they survive? No one knows, yet."

In Dire Straights
WAVE Video's Yahoo! Group...find all sorts of Damsel in Distress material here. For we quicksand enthusiasts, check out their quicksand folder in the Photos area. Not a whole lot of it here, but you still need to check it out.

Deep Sinking
Foster Blake's runaway bestselling quicksand-oriented Yahoo! Group. Lots of folks here, 10 or more posts per day. Lots of stuff in the Files and Photos sections, including a few member bios and essays on "how I got here." Fun, fun, fun!

Kaol's Quicksand
As if the man wasn't busy enough shooting quicksand vids, producing music videos and maintaining a very severe Web site, he's got no less than THREE Yahoo! Groups!!! This one advertises itself as "Kaol's snakes, quicksand and more." As you'd expect, there's a large variety of content. I can't describe it all...just go take a look for yourself.

Kaol's Quicksand Club
This started out as a Yahoo! Club, then Yahoo! (I'm getting tired of all these damned exclamation points!) merged its Clubs with its Groups; now its a Group...whatever the difference is. I can't remember. Anyway, it proudly proclaims: "Kaol's Quicksand Club — Quicksand, mud wrestling, snakes, perils." Kaol describes it thusly: "For quicksand enthusiasts, here's a site where I may put up things not yet on my website, and others may do so as well. Mostly quicksand, but other stuff as well." Has similar content, by and large, to the Kaol's Quicksand group, but a larger member base. Again, an extremely large amount of content. You just need to wander over for yourself and look...and look some more...and STILL do a lot more lookin'. You get the idea.