What's New:

August, 2002:
Yennie been very very ill for a few months here, but I'm much better now, thank you, and hustling to try to keep this place lively. Check out Nessie's new  feature over at The World of Loch Ness. And, I've put up an ENTIRELY NEW AREA featuring reviews of other folks' quicksand/mud-related Web sites and links to online communities and chat rooms. HOOBOY! Sorry, no new vid clip with review from the Moose and I yet, but the next one will be here soon, I promise!
March, 2002:
March's review for the month goes Italian Style with that epic of loincloths and Gucci saddlebags: Ursus in the Valley of the Lions.
February, 2002:
Our movie review for the month recoils in horror from the film which didn't put Hong Kong on the map: Goliathon.
January, 2002:

We welcome aboard two new fellow sojourners...

Captain Mangrove brings his TRUE LIFE (at least, most of 'em) tales of DRAMA and ADVENTURE, collected from the SEVEN SEAS and FIFTEEN CONTINENTS (more or less, but who's counting)!
The lovely and talented Loch Ness comes to us from her home at the deep end near Ulquhart Castle. You may know of her work from her many contributions to Kaol's Ol' Sinkin' Hole. We're pleased and delighted that she's graced us with an outstanding example of her stuff!
Our movie review for the month takes a peek at the film which wasn't the talk of 1957: From Hell It Came!

December, 2001:

We formally opened the doors to the Mighty Minions of Mire.
Our featured review: The Land That Time Forgot.