TOP TEN THINGS OVERHEARD FROM COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS ENCOUNTERING QUICKSAND 10. "Holy quicksand, Batman!" --Robin 9. "Veronica, if you'd just step in there with Betty, I think I could make a keen video" --Archie 8. "Great Hera, if only I can spread my thighs a little wider...mmm, yesssss!" --Wonder Woman 7. "Hmm, I wonder how I can get Lois in this?" --Superman 6. "Quicksand can't hold me! I will free myself, in the next hour or three." --Supergirl 5. "Oooooooh, oooooooh, don't stop! Don't stop!" --Batgirl 4. "Holy moley, I think I'm getting a woody!" --Shazam 3. "Goodness, this feels purrrrrfect on my" --Catwoman 2. "Catwoman, if you'll just...shift...over...this way...a little...there! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!" --Batman 1. "You mean squeeze them together like this, Mr. Blaine?" -- Millie the Model