Following is a little quicksand parody song I wrote. If you want, you can go hear a version of this at my mp3 site.   Just Click Here! to hear "You Want to Hold My Hand".

You Want to Hold My Hand

by Kaol, copyright 1980

Oh yeah, you are really something
I'm sure we both agree
And I'd bet anything
That I know what you need. Oooh!
You want to hold my hand
You want to hold my hand

Oh yeah, it's plain to see
I'm stuck in quicksand
And so I ask of thee
Please let me hold your hand. Oooh!
You want to hold my hand
You want to hold my hand

Oh, when I stepped in I felt stupid inside
And now the quicksand's sucked me down to my thigh
To my thigh, to my thigh

Oh yeah, it's plain to see
I'm stuck in quicksand
And so I ask of thee
Please let me hold your hand. Oooh!
You want to hold my hand
You want to hold my hand

And when I touch you, I feel happy inside
Cos the quicksand is now nearly up to my eyes
To my eyes, to my eyes

Oh yeah, you are really something
I'm sure we both agree
And I'd bet anything
That I know what you need. Oooh!
You want to hold my hand
You want to hold my hand
You want to hold my hand

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