TOP TEN SURPRISE REVELATIONS IN QUICKSAND ARTIST PETE BOGGS' BIOGRAPHY 10. Once introduced Drew Barrymore to the pleasures of quicksand; she's addicted now. 9. He personally finds this subject matter he draws disgusting and distasteful--NOT! 8. Once shot a man for snoring. 7. Pete Boggs is not his real name, his real initials are WJC and he moonlights in this big house on Pennsylvania Avenue. 6. He has a great comic book in the works with Kaol -- if he ever gets around to completing it. (hint hint) 5. Has a secret passion for flowery poetry and moonlight walks in the swamp. 4. Previously used live models for his work down in Venezuela until the local authorities caught on. 3. Amuses friends for hours with his drunken Rush Limbaugh imitations. 2. Would prefer making a living drawing "Marmaduke" cartoon strip. 1. Drawing quicksand cartoons is just a cover for his fetish of drawing tiny dots over and over on paper. Copyright 1997 Kaol